Building and launching a marketplace is not an easy job. So, in order to achieve your objectives you must collaborate with a dedicated back-end development team. Do you have an idea, but don’t know how to transform it into a reality? If your answer is yes, then we can help you throughout the entire process. 

Firstly, it is important to keep in mind that a marketplace implies multiple sellers and customers on a single website. Therefore, the application that you want to create should be capable of handling the number of users. To create an efficient marketplace, you have two options at your disposal: buy a ready-made solution or develop from scratch the project. Of course, the decision is influenced by a lot of factors, such as time, budget, and future scaling plans. However, our recommendation is to opt for a personalized solution, because every business is different and has its needs. 

A brief introduction to Node.JS and Python

Node.JS and Python represent the most popular options when it comes to back-end solutions for a marketplace project. The back-end part of a technology stack is responsible for the internal functioning of a web solution. Depending on the requirements of the application you want to create, one of these two options should be what you’re looking for! Node.JS is an execution environment for JavaScript. To be more exact, it makes possible the usage of JavaScript for the client-side and server-side. 

On the other hand, Python is one of the favorite choices for developers. The programming language evolves rapidly and it’s easy to learn and use. Furthermore, it can be used in a wide range of activities because of its versatility. It supports the majority of programming libraries.

In the following article, we’re going to present and contrast the use of Node.JS and Python for the back-end of a marketplace project. Both come with different features and advantages that we’ll present in more detail. It’s not easy to make a decision, that’s why we’re here to help you from the beginning. 

Brief history and development of Node.JS and Python

Compared to JavaScript, Node.JS is only 14 years old. The runtime server environment appeared because the programming language that it uses, JavaScript, was capable of running only on the browser. So, that being said, it was impossible to use it for the back-end of a project. That’s when Ryan Dahl decided to write Node.JS, following to launch it as soon as possible. Therefore, 2009 is the year that the history and development of Node.JS began. 

At first, the environment was compatible only with MacOS and Linux. Nowadays, the platform can be supported on MacOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows (7 or higher), SmartOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and IBM AIX.

At the moment, the latest version of the platform is Node.JS 18, launched in October 2022. 

On the other hand, Python is a programming language very used in all domains. Its versatility and user-friendly interface makes it one of the favorite options for developers. Python can be used on the front-side part and, also, on the back-end part. So, a project can be developed with only one programming language.

The idea of Python, compared to other programming languages, was the contribution of a single person - Guido van Rossum. Further, there were lots of people that helped with the development and improvement of Python. Finally, the official launch date was February 20th, 1991. Very important to mention is that the programming language is maintained by Python Software Foundation. The community is composed of people that are devoted to developing and improving Python. 

Also, the name may seem interesting to you and it can make you think of a snake. Well, the etymology of the name is completely different. The inspiration that Guido used is a BBC television comedy titled “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. 

The two back-end options have their own history and development that contributed to the tools that we use today.

NodeJS Back-End Development

Strengths, limitations, and drawbacks of Node.JS

Like any other front-end or back-end option, Node.JS and Python have their strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the market project that you have in mind, you’ll have some needs that the final tool you’re going to use must fulfill. So, here are some key features and strengths of Node.JS:

  • When it runs JavaScript code, Node.JS uses a single thread. But, there is a catch: the tool itself has the possibility of advanced multithreading, so the loading time is shorter. 
  • It’s a great option for developing applications that imply real-time communication.
  • It is highly scalable. So, if you want to develop and reach the real potential of a project, Node.JS might be the perfect option for you. 
  • It’s asynchronous, which means that it operates in a non-blocking way. To be more exact, the thread handles the requests successively.
  • The event-driven feature contributes to improving the speed of the application. 

Although there are some advantages to using Node.JS, the runtime environment has also its weaknesses:

  • One of the biggest drawbacks of Node.JS is that the performance is affected by heavy computational tasks. When it receives such a task, the entire event-loop decreases in performance and delivery time. 
  • The NPM (Node Package Manager) includes lots of packages and modules, but it lacks a library system. 
  • Unfortunately, it has an unstable API (Application Programming Interface). So, it may be hard for developers to find suitable solutions that work from one version to another. 

Python Back-End Development

Strengths, limitations, and drawbacks of Python

Although Python is easy to learn, understand and read and it’s one of the go-to programming languages, it has its disadvantages:

  • It’s not the best option for mobile marketplace projects, because it lacks the mobile computing capacities
  • It processes demands on a single flow, so it can get slower
  • Python is a dynamically typed language, which makes it prone to errors. 

But, there are some important reasons that you must take into account when choosing the best option for a marketplace project. So, here are some strengths of Python that can ease the development process:

  • It has extensive library support, which means that any kind of application can be developed with Python.
  • Its syntax allows the developers to write fewer lines and obtain bigger results. So, an application can be rapidly created. 
  • The programming language is very portable. That means that the application that is developed using Python can run on a wide range of operating systems. 

How to choose the right back-end for a Marketplace Project?

Do you have a Marketplace Project in mind but don’t know where to start? Our recommendation is to always make an overview of the application you want to obtain before beginning the work. So, what features do you want to have? What type of services or goods do you want to offer? How many vendors do you want to collaborate with? All these are questions you must ask yourself in order to understand better what you’re looking for. 

After you list your business's needs, an outsourcing software development company in Eastern Europe can help you choose the right technology. After all, only with the help of specialists in the field, you can achieve what you set out for. 

Why is the back-end part so important?

The back-end part of any kind of project refers to the development of the server-side, the part that the customer doesn’t get to see. However, the back-end includes all the code needed to build the database, server, and application. So, a more qualitative back-end guarantees you performance, a better experience, and, not least, security

Also, there are a lot of frameworks for the back-end, no matter the technology that you choose to work with. Why is this so important? Because, a framework can positively affect the efficiency of the development process. So, the project can be delivered more rapidly, you get feedback, make the modifications and launch the best version you can obtain in time.

For Node.JS there are some popular frameworks you can use for the back-end, such as Express.js, Koa.js, or Meteor.js. On the other hand, for Python, the most popular option you can use is Django. However, there are other alternatives you can choose from: CherryPy, Pyramid, Bottle, Flask, and so on. 

Back-end development meme

Advantages of Node.JS

For a marketplace project development, Node.JS represents a very suitable option. Here are some advantages that you can benefit from if you work with such a tool:

  • You work with JavaScript - It’s a programming language used in multiple applications for the front-end. However, only with the help of Node.JS, you can develop an entire application with JavaScript. Why does it matter so much? Because the time of development and maintenance of the application will affect its success. It is easier to create a marketplace with only one programming language. You can collaborate with only one dedicated back-end development team, so your investment can decrease in price.  
  • High scalability - When you create a marketplace, you need to take into account the fact that you’ll want to scale it. So, it is pretty obvious that you would prefer a tool that allows you to do that. In the case of an e-commerce platform, it is also recommended to opt for Node.JS!
  • NPM - It allows Node.JS to hold over 1 million packages. So, you can improve your application by adding extensions periodically. That being said, you can transform your application with the help of internal tools. Meaning that your collaboration team can implement changes much faster. 

So, if you’re looking for a way to obtain high performance and fast results, Node.JS can help you with that. Asynchronous programming has an impact on the performance of the platform that is developed. To be more exact, it makes it faster and more performant than other options you may have in mind. 

Node.JS also has multiple use cases: Developing Streaming Web applications, real-time chatbots, big data, and analytics solutions, single-page applications, and so on. 

Advantages of Python for the back-end of a marketplace project

As I already mentioned, Python is the go-to programming language for a lot of web developers. But why is that? Here are some reasons that Python earned its place on the list of favorites: 

  • It’s easy to work with - The code has a simple syntax, so, with fewer lines of code, you can obtain bigger results. Also, only with Python, an application can be fully developed. The programming language can be used for the front-end and, also, for the back-end development. Furthermore, to sustain its versatility, the language is compatible with a wide range of operating systems. 
  • Multiple frameworks and sets of libraries - With the help of the right tools you can save a lot of time when developing an application. Also, the use of Python can increase your productivity. Some of the frameworks you can use are Django, Flask, Bottle, and Tornado. 
  • Code easy to write and understand - Coding with Python doesn’t imply that much writing, like JavaScript or other programming languages. Also, the code is easy to understand and modify if there is such a need. Furthermore, because of the lower content of lines, the code load is reduced by 4 times. 

Because of these advantages, Python represents a great option for the back-end of a marketplace project!

When it comes to using cases, Python, as I already mentioned, is a general-purpose programming language. Here are some use cases for Python: Data Science, Web and internet development, Business applications, Database access, Machine Learning, Network programming, and so on.

NodeJS vs Python for Back-End

Comparison between Node.JS and Python for the back-end of a Marketplace Project - Oneest experience

In our experience, there are some differences between these two options. Depending on the specific demands of the project, the choice you end up making must be a suitable one. So, here is a comparison of Node.JS and Python structured in key factors that Oneest considers important when choosing: 

  • Scalability - Node.JS is highly scalable because by adding nodes you can easily scale horizontally. It is based on micro-services, this way each one of them can run on its own process. On the other hand, Python has some problems when it comes to scalability because it is built on top of the Global Interpreter Lock. This is a mutex that restricts the threads so they work only sequentially. 
  • Libraries - Node.JS has the largest number of packages, to be more exact over 1 million, and most of these packages are very well documented. Also, Python has fewer libraries, but it can still help you create a pretty successful marketplace application. 
  • Universality - In comparison to Node.JS, Python is a more universal solution. It has a wide range of use cases, from Artificial Intelligence, back-end for web apps, GUI (Guided User Interface), and even IoT (Internet of Things). Node.JS is especially used for the back-end of web applications and desktop applications. 
  • Syntax - Python is the winner when it comes to syntax. The programming language is easy to learn and use and implies writing fewer lines of code than other options. On the other hand, Node.JS is also easy to learn, but for the same result, you’ll have to write more. 
  • Error handling - Python is better for error handling because the code is more readable and easy to debug. Meanwhile, Node.JS can have problems, because it becomes hard to find the error when imparallel requests are coming. 

The community support of each technology can be considered a powerful and well-developed one. Even though Node.JS is a newer back-end option compared to Python, both options are very popular among specialists. That’s exactly why each ecosystem includes a large number of programmers that actively try to improve the performance of the back-end solutions. 

Real-world examples of marketplaces that use Python or Node.JS for the back-end

Some big companies chose to use Node.JS for the back-end. So, if you’re trying to create the next eBay or Walmart, it’s fair to opt for the same technology. Both of them are marketplaces known and used at a global level. 

As for Python, you may have never heard of Instacart. Well, it’s a marketplace developed on the back-end part with the help of the programming language. However, there is a marketplace that everyone must know about Amazon. It is worldwide famous and people from all continents place orders on Amazon. So, with the help of Python, you can create such an application!


The back-end technology that is used for a marketplace project has an impact on the development speed. So, in order to obtain the most performant and qualitative result, you must pay attention to the decision-making process. Both of the technologies, Node.JS and Python, are popular options for back-end development. However, depending on the needs of the project, you’ll need to make a choice!

It’s not easy to make sure that you work with the right technology, that’s why it is recommended to opt for specialized help. So, there is no universal recipe for success in a marketplace, because every project is different. Discover the most suitable option for your application with the help of Oneest

If you want to read more about project development, then you must check out our other articles!